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What you'll see in this course

Improvise a Ricercare and discover the world of ancient modes + a bonus.

The training program

1. Ricecare

    • 1.0 Ricecare
    • 1.1 The Form
      • Explanation of form
      • Subject and response
      • Modulation to the dominant and return to the main tone
      • The cantus firmus
    • 1.2 : The cadence
      • Concluding in the tone of the last note of the cantus
      • Modulation to the dominant of the dominant
    • 1.3 : The stretto and registration
      • superimposed entries
      • mutation of the response
      • Registrations

2. Modal improvisation

    • 2.0 Modal improvisation
    • 2.1 : Registration
      • The registration on 2 or 3 manuals
      • The "enriched" E minor chord
    • 2.2 : Ancient modes
      • Introduction to the different modes
      • The importance of repetition whit different modes
    • 2.3 : Part A
      • Using the enriched E minor chord
      • Thinking in terms of added notes
      • Superimposing chords with inversions
    • 2.4 : The Form
      • Reversing the role of the hands
      • Examples of modulations
      • The limits of repetition
    • 2.5 : The B part
      • Change of texture
      • Mode 2 (Messiaen's mode)
      • Tips for harmonising mode 2
    • 2.6 : The A' part
      • Principle of "false exposition"
      • Coda

3. "F major"

    • 3.0 "F major"
    • 3.1 : Textures
      • Single-voice texture
      • Different parameters: rhythm, tempo, adding a voice, etc...
      • How to find and adapt textures
      • Separating textures from harmonies

Baptiste-Florian Marle-Ouvrard

Église Saint-Eustache (Paris)


  • Improvising a Ricercare
  • Discover the world of ancient modes





Interview : 31’
Lesson : 51’




3. Material

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll find below the interview with the organist and the training PDF.